Croatia Passenger Locator Form

What is the Enter Croatia Form

The Enter Croatia Form is a Croatian Passenger Locator Form, i.e., an online health and travel declaration that helps travellers speed up the border procedures during the Covid-19 pandemic and supports the Croatian Government in keeping the general public safe and healthy.

The Croatian PLF can easily be accessed online using any working device, from a phone, laptop, PC to even a tablet.

Completing the Enter Croatia Form takes minutes and can be done from home. The effort taken is minimal but will be rewarding upon crossing the Croatian border since the border procedures will be quicker and more pleasant.

Appropriate authorities will simply check your confirmation of completing the Croatian Passenger Locator (Enter Croatia) Form that lays out all the essential for them data in a concise and organised matter.

Travellers should simply enter the required data into the online Enter Croatia Form and submit it to before departure to receive a PDF confirmation of its completion via email.

passenger locator form Croatia

Who needs to complete it

Passenger Locator Forms for Croatia are not mandatory; however, the Croatian Government is advising all travellers to complete the online declaration before their visit.

This will not only help the Croatian Government in keeping track of the current Covid-19 situation within the country, but also will make international visits to Croatia possible.

Completing the form online and showing proof of having it filled out upon your arrival in Croatia will also help you get through the border proceedings in a much faster manner.

When should I fill the Croatian Passenger Locator Form out

The Croatian Government has not specified an exact time period in which the Croatian Passenger Locator Form should be completed.

However, it’s best to fill it out within a few days before the planned departure to Croatia to keep the provided data relevant and enable the Croatian Government to process your application and issue a PDF confirmation on time for your trip.

Croatia passenger locator form

How to fill out the Enter Croatia Form

To fill out the Enter Croatia Form, first prepare the following:

  • Your valid passport or ID
  • The essential details of your upcoming visit to Croatia
  • An active email address
  • A phone, laptop, PC, or tablet with internet connection


Using your preferred device connected to the internet, start completing the online form by providing the required data:

  • Travel Announcement (reason for the planned trip, estimated dates of arrival and departure from Croatia, country of origin)
  • Designated Passenger information (such as name, surname, date of birth, passport/ID no., contact details etc.)
  • Details of your travel companions
  • Details of your stay in Croatia (e.g., address for the stay)
  • Your Health Certificate information (an EU certificate, proof of vaccination, etc.)


One Enter Croatia Form can be completed per each family travelling to Croatia together. That is why, families have to point out the Designated Passenger who’s responsible for completing the Passenger Locator Form for everyone, providing their information and the details of their travel companions.

TIP! Check the completed form thoroughly before submitting the form for processing.

enter Croatia form

After applying

After applying for the Enter Croatia Form online, travellers receive a PDF confirmation of having completed the Croatian PLF.

The PDF confirmation arrives via email and can be easily downloaded and printed out to, later on, be presented to the Croatian border officials upon arrival.